Whatever the day brings, make it delicious! Our ready-to-share bouquet is blooming with juicy pineapple daisies, strawberries, oranges and more, gathered into a colorful, mermaid-themed container. It’s just the splash of sweetness they’re craving.
- Fresh fruit arrangement includes one daisy-shaped pineapple with grape center; tulip-shaped pineapples; plain strawberries; honeydew melon, cantaloupe & orange wedges; grape skewers
- Arrives in our “Mermaid Splash” container
- Fruit is picked at the peak of freshness and delivered fresh to their door
- Hand-crafted and designed by local shops
- Arrangement measures overall approximately 11"H x 10"W
- Serves approximately 10 people; serving size 140 grams
- Contains: Milk & Soy. For additional allergy information, click here.